New and Updated Course Descriptions

MCC’s commitment to assessment produces a culture of continuous curriculum improvement. The recently updated courses listed below have been approved through the MCC curricular process and where necessary, approval by SUNY and NYSED. These will all be included in the final archived 2016 - 2017 College Catalog. For more information, please contact the appropriate Academic Department.

AAD - Applied Art and Design
AAD 181 - Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Art
AAD 101 - Introduction to Animation
ARA - Arabic/Foreign Language
ARA 203 - Intermediate Arabic I
CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician
CLT 115 - Phlebotomy Practicum
CLT 204 - Clinical Microbiology I
CLT 240 - Molecular Diagnostics
CLT 250 - Clinical Rotations
COM - Communication
COM 118 - First Year Seminar in Communication
COM 244 - Social Media Strategies
COM 247 - Organizational Communication
COM 114 - Communication Theory
COS - College Success
COS 181 - Strategies for Academic Progress (Special Studies)
CPT - Computer Technology
CPT 251 - Network and Security Administration Capstone
CPT 206 - Network Defense Fundamentals
CPT 219 - Enterprise Networking
CPT 106 - Managing Windows End Devices
CPT 130 - Computer Support Fundamentals
DAS - Dental Assisting
DAS 111 - Dental Radiography for the Dental Assistant
DAS 112 - Dental Materials for the Dental Assistant
DAS 107 - DART Completion
DAS 100 - DART Preparation Forum
DAS 113 - Infection Control for the Dental Assistant
ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics
ELT 212 - Digital and Microcontroller Systems
ELT 210 - C/C++ Programming for Electrical Engineering Technology
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
EMS 112 - Applied Emergency Medical Services
EMS 254 - Paramedic Clinical and Field Experience IV
EMS 253 - Paramedic Clinical and Field Experience III
EMS 252 - Paramedic Clinical and Field Experience II
EMS 204 - Operational Delivery of Paramedic Care
ENG - English Writing
ENG 131 - Composition in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
FPT - Fire Protection Technology
FPT 260 - Contemporary Issues in the Fire Service
FPT 100 - Principles of Fire and Emergency Services
FSA - Food Service Administration
FSA 211 - Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Baking and Pastry
GEG - Geography
GEG 236 - Geospatial Data Acquisition and Management
GEG 238 - Introduction to Geospatial Programming
GEO - Geology
GEO 109 - General Astronomy
HIM - Health Information Technology
HIM 140 - Survey of Health Information Technology Concepts
HSM - Homeland Security Administration
HSM 108 - Introduction to Intelligence Processes
HSP - Hospitality
HSP 225 - Italy-Hospitality, Culture, and Society on Location
HUM - Human Services
HUM 217 - Skills for Mental Health Services
HUM 109 - Introduction to Helping Skills
LAS - Liberal Arts
LAS 220 - Liberal Arts Capstone
MET - Mechanical Technology
MET 150 - Industrial Robotics
MMP - Automotive Technology
MMP 202 - Engine Performance II
MMP 201 - Engine Performance I
MMP 152 - Automotive Electrical I
MMP 274 - MMAP Work Experience IV
MMP 203 - Automotive Electrical II
MMP 272 - MMAP Work Experience II
MMP 156 - Steering and Suspension
MMP 151 - Introduction to Automotive Service
MMP 158 - Engine Repair
MMP 101 - Survey of Automotive Service Lab
MMP 159 - Heating and Air Conditioning
MMP 273 - MMAP Work Experience III
MMP 204 - Transmissions and Drivetrain
MMP 155 - Automotive Braking Systems
MMP 271 - MMAP Work Experience I
MTH - Mathematics
MTH 065 - Support for College Algebra
MTH 060 - Support Lab for Statistics
MUS - Music
MUS 177 - Diverse Music and Social Justice
PHL - Philosophy
PHL 255 - Professional Ethics for Science and Medicine
PHY - Physics
PHY 110 - HVACR Physics
PLS - Paralegal Studies
PLS 256 - Criminal Law and Procedure for Paralegals
PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education
PPE 272 - Diversity and Equity Issues in Health and Wellness
PPE 250 - Fitness and Wellness
SCR - Computer Security
SCR 222 - CyberOps Associate
SCR 213 - Digital Forensics Fundamentals
SKT - Tooling and Machining
SKT 172 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training II
SKT 103 - Apprentice Related Instruction III
SKT 101 - Apprentice Related Instruction I
SKT 175 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training V
SKT 171 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training I
SKT 173 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training III
SKT 104 - Apprentice Related Instruction IV
SKT 174 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training IV
SKT 102 - Apprentice Related Instruction II
SKT 105 - Apprentice Related Instruction V
TAM - Tooling and Machining
TAM 271 - Advanced Manufacturing Co Op
TOY - Toyota
TOY 205 - Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 1
TOY 200 - Engine Performance 1
TOY 192 - Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems 1
TOY 195 - Brakes
TOY 209 - Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 5
TOY 196 - Steering and Suspension
TOY 201 - Engine Performance 2
TOY 207 - Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 3
TOY 203 - Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems 2
TOY 204 - Manual Drivetrain and Axles
TOY 198 - Engine Repair
TOY 191 - Introduction to Automotive Service
TOY 210 - Electrified Powertrain Systems
TOY 199 - Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning
TRS - Transitional Studies
TRS 091 - Academic English Essentials Lab
TRS 050 - Support Lab for Survey of Mathematics
TRS 090 - Academic English Essentials
XRT - Radiologic Technology
XRT 105 - Medical Imaging Terminology
XRT 216 - Radiation Protection and Biology
XRT 227 - Computed Tomography Principles
XRT 226 - Management and Leadership in Radiology
XRT 108 - Contrast Media
XRT 107 - Image Processing
XRT 125 - Image Production 2
XRT 106 - Patient Care in Medical Imaging
XRT 114 - Imaging Procedures 1
XRT 109 - Skull Imaging
XRT 124 - Imaging Procedures 2
XRT 214 - Image Production 3
XRT 228 - Advanced Imaging
XRT 115 - Image Production 1
AAD - Applied Art and Design
AAD 107 - A History of Graphic Design
AAD 105 - Typography
AAD 160 - Graphic Illustration: Vector Drawing
ACC - Accounting
ACC 204 - Tax Procedures
ACC 210 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 201 - Accounting Using QuickBooks
ACC 102 - Accounting Principles II
ACC 220 - Cost Accounting
AGS - Agricultural Studies
AGS 101 - Introduction to Agriculture
AGS 150 - General Microbiology for Food and Agriculture
AGS 110 - Introduction to Greenhouse Management
ANT - Anthropology
ANT 102 - Cultural Anthropology
ART - Art
ART 205 - Commercial Illustration I
ART 130 - Sculpture I
ART 206 - Commercial Illustration II
ART 110 - Comics and Sequential Art
ART 101 - Art Essentials
ART 109 - Two-Dimensional Design: Foundation
ART 119 - Perspectives of Art History II: Modern
ART 118 - Perspectives of Art History I: Ancient
ART 120 - Painting I
ART 290 - Independent Study
ART 104 - Drawing I: Foundation
ART 115 - Introduction to Illustration
ART 108 - Sketchbook: Processes and Materials
ASL - American Sign Language/Foreign Language
ASL 204 - American Sign Language IV
ASL 102 - American Sign Language II
ASL 101 - American Sign Language I
ASL 203 - American Sign Language III
ASL 201 - American Deaf Culture and Community
ATP - Automotive Technology
ATP 107 - Automatic Transmission and Transaxle - Automotive
ATP 101 - Introduction to Automotive Technology
ATP 102 - Electrical 1
ATP 108 - Engine Repair - Automotive
ATP 100 - Automotive Services
ATP 109 - Heating and Air Conditioning
ATP 112 - Engine Performance - Automotive
ATP 106 - Steering and Suspension
ATP 104 - Emission Controls, Computer and Fuel Systems I
ATP 105 - Brakes
ATP 103 - Electrical 2
BIO - Biology
BIO 226 - Bioanalytical Techniques II
BIO 221 - Principles of Biochemistry
BIO 155 - Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
BIO 260 - General Ecology
BIO 148 - Fundamentals of Biology and Inheritance
BIO 132 - Laboratory to Accompany Human Biology
BIO 202 - Microbiology
BIO 230 - Molecular Genetics
BIO 156 - Introduction to Organismal Biology and Ecology
BIO 209 - General Microbiology
BIO 195 - Field Studies in Biology
BIO 217 - Nutrition
BUS - Business
BUS 210 - Entrepreneurial Studies II
BUS 250 - International Management and Marketing
BUS 275 - Business Cooperative Education
CDL - Interdisciplinary
CDL 110 - Career Exploration
CE - Disney College Program Internship
CE 255 - Disney College Program Internship
CHE - Chemistry
CHE 151 - General College Chemistry I
CHE 100 - Preparatory Chemistry
CHE 152 - General College Chemistry II
CHE 251 - Organic Chemistry I
CHE 124 - General, Organic, and Biochemistry
CHE 145 - Preparation for General College Chemistry
CHE 110 - Chemistry in the Kitchen
CHE 252 - Organic Chemistry II
CHI - Chinese/Foreign Language
CHI 203 - Intermediate Chinese I
CIN - Cinema Studies
CIN 120 - Introduction to Cinema
CIT - Civil and Construction Technology
CIT 122 - Construction I: Elements of Building Construction
CIT 101 - Surveying
CIT 123 - Introduction to Heavy, Highway and Site Construction
CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician
CLT 255 - Clinical Rotation III - Chemistry, Immunology and Phlebotomy
CLT 253 - Clinical Rotation II - Hematology and Immunohematology
CLT 130 - Body Fluids and Urinalysis
CLT 205 - Clinical Microbiology II
CLT 202 - Serological Techniques
CLT 260 - Medical Laboratory Technology Seminar
CLT 251 - Clinical Rotation I - Microbiology and Urinalysis
CLT 110 - Specimen Procurement and Processing
CLT 220 - Immunohematology
CLT 201 - Immunology
CLT 210 - Clinical Chemistry
CLT 100 - Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology
COM - Communication
COM 101 - Introduction to Mass Media
COM 235 (formerly COM 120) - Media Literacy
COM 242 (formerly COM 130) - Media Writing
COM 204 - Audio Production
COM 150 - Video Production I
COM 240 (formerly COM 131) - Principles of Journalism
COM 245 (formerly COM 109) - An Introduction to Public Relations
COM 270 - Media and Society
COM 267 - Video Editing
COM 211 - Practicum in Media I
COM 202 - Techniques of Television I
COS - College Success
COS 133 - College Orientation and Success Strategies
COS 101 - College Orientation
CPT - Computer Technology
CPT 270 - Information and Computer Technology Practicum
CPT 101 - Introduction to Computing
CPT 125 - Physical Security
CPT 115 - Introduction to Networks
CPT 114 - Problem Solving and Robotics
CRC - Computer Related Curricula
CRC 110 - Introduction to Web Site Design
CRC 170 - Spreadsheet Applications Excel
CRJ - Criminal Justice
CRJ 101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJ 121 - Criminal Justice Education Internship I
CRJ 103 - Constitutional Law and Rights of People
CRJ 211 - Community Values and the Administration of Justice
CSC - Computer Science
CSC 223 - Computer Programming - C++
CSC 202 - Programming Embedded Microcontrollers in C and Assembly
CSC 101 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
DAS - Dental Assisting
DAS 105 - DART Specialty Dentistry
DAS 104 - DART Radiography
DAS 103 - DART Dental Materials
DAS 120 - Clinical Dental Assisting Practice
DAS 115 - Orientation to Dental Assisting Clinical Practice
DAS 114 - Biomedical Sciences for Dental Assisting Practice
DAS 102 - DART Infection Control
DAS 123 - Specialty Dentistry for the Dental Assistant
DAS 110 - Preclinical Dental Assisting
DAS 101 - DART Clinical Dental Assisting
DAS 106 - DART Biomedical Sciences
DEN - Dental Hygiene
DEN 213 - General & Oral Pathology II
DEN 111 - Dental Radiography I
DEN 114 - Dental Hygiene I
DEN 214 - Dental Hygiene III
DEN 112 - Oral Anatomy and Physiology I
DEN 212 - Community Oral Health I
DEN 124 - Dental Hygiene II
DEN 225 - Clinical Dental Hygiene IV
DEN 222 - Community Oral Health II
DEN 211 - Dental Materials
DEN 115 - Clinical Dental Hygiene I
DEN 224 - Dental Hygiene IV
DEN 110 - Dental Health Education
DEN 122 - Oral Anatomy and Physiology II
DEN 129 - Periodontics I
DEN 113 - Barrier Precautions and Infection Control Measures
DEN 226 - Dental Therapeutics II
DEN 123 - General & Oral Pathology I
DEN 217 - Dental Specialties
DEN 125 - Clinical Dental Hygiene II
DEN 229 - Periodontics III
DEN 216 - Dental Therapeutics I
DEN 215 - Clinical Dental Hygiene III
DEN 219 - Periodontics II
DEN 121 - Dental Radiography II
EBL - Experience Based Learning
EBL 101 - Experience Based Learning
ECE - Education and Early Care
ECE 251 - Family and Culture
ECE 250 - Infant and Toddler Development
ECE 151 - Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Young Children
ECO - Economics
ECO 111 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 112 - Principles of Macroeconomics
EDU - Education
EDU 150 - Performance and Presentation Skills for Educators
EDU 200 - Foundations of Education
EDU 230 - Introduction to Special Education
ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics
ELT 205 - Communication Systems
ELT 111 - Introduction to Digital Electronics
ELT 102 - Electric Circuit Analysis II
ELT 130 - System Electricity
ELT 121 - AC/DC Circuit Analysis
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
EMS 272 - Advanced Trauma Issues in Paramedicine
EMS 246 - Pediatric Advanced Care
EMS 203 - Advanced Trauma Issues in Paramedicine
EMS 201 - Introduction to Paramedicine
EMS 101 - EMS First Responder
EMS 110 - Emergency Medical Technician
EMS 270 - Introduction to Paramedicine
EMS 118 - EMT-Basic Core Review
EMS 249 - Paramedic Review and Recertification
EMS 119 - Emergency Medical Technician Recertification
EMS 251 - Paramedic Clinical and Field Experience I
EMS 109 - EMS First Responder Recertification
EMS 250 - 12-Lead EKG Interpretation in the Emergency Setting
EMS 202 - Paramedicine II
EMS 171 - Critical Trauma Care
ENG - English Literature
ENG 208 - Literature of the Bible
ENG 220 - Introduction to Dramatic Literature
ENG 224 - Literature of Horror
ENG 226 - LGBTQ Literature
ENG 215 - Children's Literature
ENG 230 - World Mythology
ENG 204 - American Literature Since 1865
ENG 223 - Science Fiction
ENG 203 - American Literature to 1865
ENG 201 - Early British Literature
ENG 216 - American Minorities in Literature
ENG 218 - Introduction to Shakespeare
ENG 118 - Perpetrators, Victims, and Bystanders: Literature of Genocide
ENG 115 - Fantasy Literature
ENG 109 - Crime Fiction
ENG 210 - Literature of the Black Experience
ENG 202 - Modern British Literature
ENG 217 - Women, Gender and Literature
ENG 105 - Introduction to Literature
ENG 108 - Literature of the Holocaust
ENG - English Writing
ENG 251 - Technical Communication
ENG 132 - Composition in Professional Studies
ENG 200 - Advanced Composition
ENG 130 - Composition in STEM & Health Sciences
ENG 101 - College Composition
ENG 273 - Creative Writing Capstone: Publishing and the Profession
ENG 213 - Creative Writing
ENG 250 - Professional Communication
ENG 113 - Introduction to Creative Writing
ENR - Engineering Science
ENR 261 - Matlab Programming
ENR 256 - Mechanics of Materials
ENR 161 - Introduction to Excel and Programming
ENR 259 - Engineering Design Lab
ESL - English For Speakers Of Other Languages (ESOL)
ESL 120 - ESOL: Integrated Skills 1
ESL 140 - ESOL: Reading for Fluency
ESL 145 - ESOL: Integrated Skills 2
ESL 139 - ESOL: Pronunciation
ESL 179 - ESOL: Grammar
ESL 201 - ESOL: Integrated Skills 3
ESL 158 - ESOL: Oral Communication
ESL 100 - ESOL: Academic Reading
FPT - Fire Protection Technology
FPT 142 - Firefighter Core Competencies Update and Refresher II
FPT 105 - History of the Fire Service
FPT 143 - Firefighter Core Competencies Update and Refresher III
FPT 113 - Firefighter II
FPT 141 - Firefighter Core Competencies Update and Refresher I
FPT 204 - Fire Service Strategy and Tactics
FPT 111 - Firefighter I
FPT 211 - Fire Investigation: Cause and Origin
FPT 103 - Building Materials and Construction
FRE - French/Foreign Language
FRE 204 - Intermediate French II
FRE 214 - Intermediate French Conversation II
FRE 203 - Intermediate French I
FRE 213 - Intermediate French Conversation I
FSA - Food Service Administration
FSA 221 - Cost Control
FSA 203 - Culinary Arts II: Advanced Food Preparation
FSA 108 - Principles of Healthy Cooking
FSA 230 - International Cuisine: Advanced Food Prep
FSA 119 - Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation II
FSA 109 - Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation I
FSA 107 - Menu Planning
FSA 205 - Purchasing, Storage and Handling
GEG - Geography
GEG 130 - Digital Earth
GEG 220 - Geography of Genocide
GEG 230 - Spatial Analysis and GIS
GEG 103 - Introduction to Meteorology Lab
GEG 215 - Geography of Travel and Tourism
GEG 200 - World Regional Geography
GEG 131 - Cartography
GEG 102 - Human Geography
GEG 204 - Introduction to Climatology
GEG 133 - Introduction to Remote Sensing
GEG 211 - Economic Geography
GEG 104 - Introduction to Meteorology
GEG 237 - Web Mapping
GEG 239 - Capstone in Geospatial Technology
GEG 203 - Climatology Lab
GEO - Geology
GEO 103 - Great Mysteries of the Earth
GEO 101 - Physical Geology-GR
GEO 295 - Field Studies in Geology
GER - German/Foreign Language
GER 203 - Intermediate German I
HED - Health Education
HED 114 - Health and Safety in the Workplace
HED 118 - Introduction to Safety and Emergency Care
HED 115 - Death and Dying
HED 208 - Chronic and Communicable Disease
HED 116 - Issues in Child Development and Health
HED 210 - Integrative Health and Behavior Change Methods
HED 207 - Emotional Wellness
HED 130 - Foundations of Health and Wellness
HED 212 - Women's Health and Wellness
HED 101 - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Care
HEG - Health Education Global
HEG 200 - Multicultural and Diversity Influences in Health and Wellness
HEG 211 - Black Women's Mental Health and Wellness
HEG 215 - Global Health and Culture
HIM - Health Information Technology
HIM 205 - Professional Practice Experience I
HIS - History
HIS 102 - Introduction to African-American Studies
HIS 154 - Modern East Asian History
HIS 110 - Global History II: Since the 1500s
HIS 275 - The Holocaust: History and Legacies
HIS 112 - United States History II - since 1865
HIS 211 - History of Sport in the United States
HIS 219 - Twentieth Century Europe
HIS 113 - Western Civilization I: Beginning to 1700s
HIS 103 - African-American History I: to 1865
HIS 109 - Global History I: to the 1500s
HIS 240 - The City in American History
HIS 111 - United States History I - to 1865
HIS 104 - African-American History II: since 1865
HIS 153 - Traditional East Asian History
HIS 114 - Western Civilization II: 1700s to the Present
HMN - Humanities
HMN 220 - Global Humanities I
HMN 101 - Humanities: Experiencing Culture
HMN 221 - Global Humanities II
HON - Honors Studies
HON 202 - Honors Studies: Scholarly Presentation
HON 201 - Honors Studies: Scholarly Process
HON 195 - Honors Seminar in Critical Analysis
HON 295 - Research Methods and Academic Writing
HSM - Homeland Security Administration
HSM 103 - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Terrorism and Homeland Security
HSM 107 - Social Media: Issues and Impacts
HSP - Hospitality
HSP 204 - Advanced Conference and Event Planning
HSP 115 - Guest Service Hospitality
HSP 105 - Hotel Operations
HSP 251 - Hospitality Marketing
HSP 260 - Cooperative Education-Hospitality Management
HSP 275 - Current Issues and Trends in Hospitality
HUM - Human Services
HUM 220 - Working with Clients Post-Incarceration
HUM 209 - Applied Helping Models
HUM 218 - Working with Trauma Informed Care Skills
HUM 119 - Case Management and Documentation
HUM 100 - Exploring Human Services
HUM 210 - Disability Across the Lifespan-Strategies
HVA - Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning
HVA 104 - Commercial Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps
HVA 206 - Advanced Heating Systems
HVA 212 - Industrial Mechanical Systems
HVA 204 - Energy Management
HVA 205 - New Products
HVA 271 - Cooperative Education-Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
HVA 202 - Boiler Systems
HVA 210 - Mechanical Estimating
HVA 201 - Electronic Controls and Troubleshooting
HVA 102 - Air Conditioning Theory
HVA 211 - Commercial Refrigeration
HVA 203 - Commercial Load Calculation
ITA - Italian/Foreign Language
ITA 203 - Intermediate Italian I
JPN - Japanese/Foreign Language
JPN 203 - Intermediate Japanese I
MAR - Marketing
MAR 201 - Dynamics of Selling
MAR 200 - Principles of Marketing
MET - Mechanical Technology
MET 201 - Designing for Materials, Manufacturing and Assembly
MET 203 - Technical Mechanics, Statics
MET 135 - Measurement and Analysis
MET 103 - Manufacturing Processes I
MET 121 - Computer Aided Drafting/Design - Solid Modeling
MIS - Management Information Systems
MIS 201 - Introduction to Web Site Programming and Design
MIS 200 - Programming for Information Systems
MIS 220 - Applied Business Applications
MIS 209 - Systems Analysis and Design
MIS 211 - Applied Database Concepts
MIS 290 - Independent Study
MIS 100 - Introduction to Management Information Systems
MMP - Automotive Technology
MMP 100 - Survey of Automotive Transportation and Service
MTH - Mathematics
MTH 152 - Survey of Mathematics for Technicians
MTH 160 - Statistics I
MTH 260 - Probability and Statistics I
MTH 220 - Discrete Mathematics
MTH 161 - Statistics II
MTH 164 - Introduction to Trigonometry
MTH 130 - Modern Business Mathematics
MTH 096 - Algebra for Statistics
MTH 162 - Statistics for the Social Sciences
MTH 155 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
MTH 210 - Calculus I
MTH 165 - College Algebra
MTH 156 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II
MTH 099 - Elementary Algebra Review (lab for Intermediate Algebra)
MTH 212 - Calculus III
MTH 163 - Statistics I Extended Topics
MUS - Music
MUS 114 - Contemporary A Cappella Ensemble
MUS 129 - MIDI Recording Techniques
MUS 142 - Musical Production
MUS 119 - Music in World Cultures
MUS 146 - Vocal Jazz/Show Choir
MUS 141 - Madrigal Singers
MUS 140 - Jazz Ensemble
MUS 151 - Music Performance and Lessons
MUS 118 - Broadway Musicals
MUS 145 - Jazz Combo
MUS 108 - College Chorus
NUR - Nursing
NUR 112 - Nursing Care of the Adult and Child-I
NUR 211 - Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
NUR 111 - Fundamentals of Nursing
NUR 100 - Nursing Orientation Seminar
NUR 214 - Nursing Care of the Adult and Child-II
NUR 110 - Foundations of Nursing
NUR 212 - Maternal - Neonatal Nursing
NUR 210 - Issues in Nursing
NUR 050 - Application of the Nursing Process
OFT - Office Technology
OFT 112 - Advanced Word I
OFT 173 - Microsoft Multimedia Communications
OFT 111 - Intermediate Word
OFT 141 - Professional Grammar and Communications
OFT 240 - Office Transcription
OFT 201 - Advanced Word II
OPT - Optical Systems Technology
OPT 255 - Photonics
OPT 213 - Optical Fabrication and Metrology
OPT 151 - Optical Instruments and Testing
OPT 235 - Advanced Optical Fabrication and Metrology
OPT 175 - Quantitative Skills in Optics
OPT 131 - Optical Elements and Ray Optics
OPT 245 - Optical Systems
OPT 201 - Photo Science
OPT 211 - Wave Optics and Applications
OPT 110 - Introduction to Optical Technology
PEC - Physical Education--Coed
PEC 121 - Men's and Women's Physical Education: Co-ed Racquetball and Volleyball
PEC 250 - Fitness and Wellness
PEC 123 - Introduction to Kayaking
PHL - Philosophy
PHL 250 - Professional Ethics
PHL 103 - Introduction to Ethics
PHL 105 - Technology and Values
PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 102 - Introduction to Logic
PHL 108 - World Religions: Western Traditions
PHL 210 - Democracy and Human Rights
PHL 109 - World Religions: Eastern Traditions
PHO - Photography
PHO 106 - Photography I
PHO 213 - Studio Photography
PHO 223 - Photojournalism and Documentation
PHO 145 - History of Photography: Modern
PHO 140 - History of Photography: Early
PHO 164 - Digital Imaging
PHO 101 - Photography for Non-Majors
PHY - Physics
PHY 146 - College Physics II
PHY 100 - Preparatory Physics
PHY 161 - University Physics I
PHY 132 - Applied Physics II
PHY 131 - Applied Physics I
PHY 261 - University Physics II
PLE - Police: Law Enforcement
PLE 140 - Criminal Investigation
PLE 222 - Firearms Instructor Course
PLS - Paralegal Studies
PLS 269 - Domestic Relations and Family Law
PLS 250 - Paralegal Communication Skills
PLS 264 - Administrative Law
PLS 299 - Paralegal Internship
PLS 270 - Bankruptcy Law
PLS 266 - Legal Research and Writing
PLS 255 - Law Office Technology
POS - Political Science
POS 101 - Introduction to Political Science
POS 102 - American National Government
POS 205 - Comparative Political Systems
POS 206 - International Politics
PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education
PPE 271 - Issues and Perspectives in Wellness, Sport and Exercise
PPE 155 - Sport Performance Coaching
PPE 240 - Practicum in Professional Skills
PPE 208 - Wellness, Exercise, and Sport Psychology
PPE 275 - Physiology of Exercise
PPE 100 - Introduction to Sport Science
PSC - Public Safety Communications
PSC 100 - Public Safety Telecommunicator
PST - Public Safety Training
PST 265 - Public Safety Leadership Development Seminar
PSY - Psychology
PSY 206 - Adult Psychopathology
PSY 109 - Positive Psychology
PSY 220 - Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 261 - Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
PSY 225 - Multicultural Psychology
PSY 100 - Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships
PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychological Science
PSY 205 - Social Psychology
PSY 262 - Forensic Psychology
PSY 108 - Fundamentals of APA Style
PSY 222 - Social Psychology of the Holocaust
SCR - Computer Security
SCR 211 - Computer Security I
SCR 230 - Cloud Security
SGT - Surgical Technology
SGT 201 - Surgical Procedures
SGT 110 - Foundations of Surgical Technology
SGT 100 - Introduction to Surgical Technology
SGT 102 - Principles and Practices in Surgical Technology
SGT 101 - Surgical Pharmacology and Anesthesia
SGT 202 - Specialty Surgical Procedures
SGT 210 - Professional Issues and Certification for Surgical Technology
SOC - Sociology
SOC 209 - Environmental Sociology
SOC 102 - Social Problems
SOC 204 - Sociology of the Family
SOC 210 - Introduction to Global Studies
SOC 202 - Urban Sociology
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC 201 - Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
SOC 100 - Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies
SPA - Spanish/Foreign Language
SPA 214 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation II
SPA 213 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation I
SPA 204 - Intermediate Spanish II
SPA 203 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPC - Speech Communication
SPC 144 - Communication and Crisis
SPC 141 - Interpersonal Speech Communication
SPC 241 - Advanced Interpersonal Communication
SPC 143 - Small Group Communication
SPC 142 - Public Speaking
TAM - Tooling and Machining
TAM 121 - Advanced Manufacturing Math
TAM 143 - CNC Lathe Set-up
TAM 255 - Computer Aided Manufacturing Laboratory
TAM 174 - Machine Trades Apprentice Training IV
TAM 138 - Dimensional Metrology
TAM 155 - Tool and Fixture Design
TAM 171 - Machine Trades Apprentice Training I
TAM 173 - Machine Trades Apprentice Training III
TAM 142 - CNC Mill Set-up
TAM 245 - Computer Aided Manufacturing
TAM 172 - Machine Trades Apprentice Training II
TEK - Technology
TEK 145 - Career Communications
THE - Theatre
THE 211 - Theatre Production Laboratory
THE 212 - Fundamentals of Acting Two
THE 190 - Theatre Rehearsal and Performance
THE 112 - Fundamentals of Acting One
THE 111 - Introduction to Technical Theatre
THE 160 - Touring Theatre Troupe
THE 147 - Readers' Theatre
THE 142 - Musical Theatre Rehearsal and Performance
TOY - Toyota
TOY 206 - Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 2
TOY 202 - Drivetrains
TRS - Transitional Studies
TRS 099 - College Composition Support
TRS 094 - Pre Algebra
TVL - Travel And Tourism
TVL 231 - Tourism Specialization
XRT - Radiologic Technology
XRT 215 - Sectional Anatomy
XRT 230 - Imaging Pathology II