Employee Grievance Process
If the accused person is a college employee, the college will be able to conduct an investigation. The process followed will either be based upon the Title IX Grievance Policy, the Sexual Harassment Complaint and Investigation Procedure, or both, depending on the allegations and location of the misconduct.
Policies and Procedures
- Nondiscrimination Policy for Discrimination Complaints for Students and Employees
- Nondiscrimination Procedure for Discrimination Complaints for Students and Employees
- Responding to and Accomodating Pregnancy and Related Conditions Policy
- Title IX Grievance Policy
- Title IX Grievance Procedure
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Sexual Harassment Procedure
Locations & Contacts
Shannon Glasgow
Title IX Coordinator
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accountability
Peter A. Spina Administration Building
Building 1, Room 300D
(585) 292-2108
Students' Bill of Rights (PDF)
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Complaint Form
SUNY Sexual Assault & Violence Response Resources (SAVR)